-- Debugging using Zerobrane... --require('mobdebug').start() gHighImportanceArguments = {} gLowImportanceArguments = {} ProcessHighImportance = ProcessNoHighImportance ProcessLowImportance = ProcessNoLowImportance --------------- -- DEBUGGING -- --------------- debug_output_file = nil ---------- -- DATA -- ---------- gHost = "" gPort = 9089 gExportInterval = 0.1 -- frequency of export events (sec) gExportLowTickInterval = 2 -- export events call ProcessLowImportance every this many events. -- Find argument values in the relevant mods\aircrafts\??\Cockpit\Scripts\mainpanel_inits.lua, "arg_number" values. gA10HighImportanceArguments = { [4] = "%.4f", -- AOA [12] = "%.4f", -- Variometer [13] = "%.4f", -- [14] = "%.4f", -- [17] = "%.4f", -- ADI Pitch [18] = "%.4f", -- ADI Bank [19] = "%0.1f", -- ADI Course Warning Flag [20] = "%.4f", -- ADI Bank Steering Bar [21] = "%.4f", -- ADI Pitch Steering Bar [23] = "%.4f", -- ADI Turn Needle [24] = "%.4f", -- ADI Slip Ball [25] = "%0.1f", -- ADI Attitude Warning Flag [26] = "%0.1f", -- ADI Glide-Slope Warning Flag [27] = "%.4f", -- ADI Glide-Slope Indicator [32] = "%0.1f", -- HSI Range Flag [33] = "%.4f", -- HSI Bearing #1 [34] = "%.4f", -- HSI Heading [35] = "%.4f", -- HSI Bearing #2 [36] = "%.4f", -- HSI Heading Marker [40] = "%0.1f", -- HSI Power Flag [41] = "%.4f", -- HSI Deviation [46] = "%0.1f", -- HSI Bearing Flag [47] = "%.4f", -- HSI Course Arrow [48] = "%.4f", -- Airspeed [55] = "%0.1f", -- AOA Power Flag [63] = "%.4f", -- Standby Attitude Indicator pitch [64] = "%.4f", -- Standby Attitude Indicator bank [65] = "%0.1f", -- Standby Attitude Indicator warning flag [70] = "%.4f", -- [73] = "%.4f", -- [76] = "%.4f", -- EngineLeftFanSpeed [77] = "%.4f", -- EngineRightFanSpeed [78] = "%.4f", -- EngineLeftCoreSpeedTenth [80] = "%.4f", -- EngineRightCoreSpeedTenth [82] = "%.4f", -- [83] = "%.4f", -- [84] = "%.4f", -- EngineLeftFuelFlow [85] = "%.4f", -- EngineRightFuelFlow [88] = "%.4f", -- [89] = "%.4f", -- [129] = "%1d", -- [178] = "%0.1f", -- [179] = "%0.1f", -- [181] = "%0.1f", -- [182] = "%0.1f", -- [185] = "%1d", -- [186] = "%1d", -- [187] = "%1d", -- [188] = "%1d", -- [191] = "%0.1f", -- [215] = "%0.1f", -- [216] = "%0.1f", -- [217] = "%0.1f", -- [260] = "%0.1f", -- [269] = "%.4f", -- HARS Sync [274] = "%.4f", -- [281] = "%.4f", -- [289] = "%1d", -- [372] = "%0.1f", -- CMSC Missile Launch Indicator [373] = "%0.1f", -- [374] = "%0.1f", -- [404] = "%0.1f", -- [480] = "%0.1f", -- [481] = "%0.1f", -- [482] = "%0.1f", -- [483] = "%0.1f", -- [484] = "%0.1f", -- [485] = "%0.1f", -- [486] = "%0.1f", -- [487] = "%0.1f", -- [488] = "%0.1f", -- [489] = "%0.1f", -- [490] = "%0.1f", -- [491] = "%0.1f", -- [492] = "%0.1f", -- [493] = "%0.1f", -- [494] = "%0.1f", -- [495] = "%0.1f", -- [496] = "%0.1f", -- [497] = "%0.1f", -- [498] = "%0.1f", -- [499] = "%0.1f", -- [500] = "%0.1f", -- [501] = "%0.1f", -- [502] = "%0.1f", -- [503] = "%0.1f", -- [504] = "%0.1f", -- [505] = "%0.1f", -- [506] = "%0.1f", -- [507] = "%0.1f", -- [508] = "%0.1f", -- [509] = "%0.1f", -- [510] = "%0.1f", -- [511] = "%0.1f", -- [512] = "%0.1f", -- [513] = "%0.1f", -- [514] = "%0.1f", -- [515] = "%0.1f", -- [516] = "%0.1f", -- [517] = "%0.1f", -- [518] = "%0.1f", -- [519] = "%0.1f", -- [520] = "%0.1f", -- [521] = "%0.1f", -- [522] = "%0.1f", -- [523] = "%0.1f", -- [524] = "%0.1f", -- [525] = "%0.1f", -- [526] = "%0.1f", -- [527] = "%0.1f", -- [540] = "%0.1f", -- AOA_INDEXER_HIGH [541] = "%0.1f", -- AOA_INDEXER_NORM [542] = "%0.1f", -- AOA_INDEXER_LOW [600] = "%0.1f", -- [604] = "%.4f", -- [606] = "%0.1f", -- [608] = "%0.1f", -- [610] = "%0.1f", -- [612] = "%0.1f", -- [614] = "%0.1f", -- [616] = "%0.1f", -- [618] = "%0.1f", -- [619] = "%0.1f", -- [620] = "%0.1f", -- [647] = "%.4f", -- [648] = "%.4f", -- [653] = "%.4f", -- [654] = "%1d", -- [659] = "%0.1f", -- [660] = "%0.1f", -- [661] = "%0.1f", -- [662] = "%0.1f", -- [663] = "%0.1f", -- [664] = "%0.1f", -- [665] = "%0.1f", -- [715] = "%.4f", -- Standby Attitude Indicator manual pitch adjustment [730] = "%0.1f", -- AIR_REFUEL_READY [731] = "%0.1f", -- AIR_REFUEL_LATCHED [732] = "%0.1f", -- AIR_REFUEL_DISCONNECT [737] = "%0.1f", -- [798] = "%0.1f", -- [799] = "%0.1f" -- } gA10LowImportanceArguments = { [22] = "%.3f", [101] = "%.1f", [102] = "%1d", [103] = "%1d", [104] = "%1d", [105] = "%1d", [106] = "%1d", [107] = "%1d", [108] = "%1d", [109] = "%1d", [110] = "%1d", [111] = "%1d", [112] = "%1d", [113] = "%1d", [114] = "%1d", [115] = "%.1f", [116] = "%.3f", [117] = "%1d", [118] = "%1d", [119] = "%1d", [120] = "%1d", [121] = "%1d", [122] = "%1d", [123] = "%1d", [124] = "%1d", [125] = "%1d", [126] = "%1d", [127] = "%.1f", [130] = "%1d", [131] = "%.1f", [132] = "%1d", [133] = "%.3f", [134] = "%1d", [135] = "%0.1f", [136] = "%.1f", [137] = "%0.3f", [138] = "%0.1f", [139] = "%0.2f", [140] = "%0.2f", [141] = "%0.2f", [142] = "%0.2f", [147] = "%.3f", [148] = "%1d", [149] = "%0.1f", [150] = "%.1f", [151] = "%0.3f", [152] = "%0.1f", [153] = "%0.2f", [154] = "%0.2f", [155] = "%0.2f", [156] = "%0.2f", [161] = "%0.2f", [162] = "%0.1f", [163] = "%0.2f", [164] = "%0.2f", [165] = "%0.2f", [166] = "%0.2f", [167] = "%0.1f", [168] = "%0.1f", [169] = "%1d", [170] = "%1d", [171] = "%.3f", [172] = "%.1f", [173] = "%.1f", [174] = "%1d", [175] = "%1d", [176] = "%0.1f", [177] = "%1d", [180] = "%1d", [183] = "%1d", [184] = "%1d", [189] = "%1d", [190] = "%.1f", [192] = "%.3f", [193] = "%.3f", [194] = "%0.1f", [195] = "%.3f", [196] = "%1d", [197] = "%.1f", [198] = "%.1f", [199] = "%0.1f", [200] = "%0.1f", [201] = "%1d", [202] = "%1d", [203] = "%1d", [204] = "%1d", [205] = "%1d", [206] = "%1d", [207] = "%1d", [208] = "%1d", [209] = "%0.2f", [210] = "%0.2f", [211] = "%0.2f", [212] = "%0.2f", [213] = "%0.2f", [214] = "%0.2f", [221] = "%.3f", [222] = "%1d", [223] = "%.3f", [224] = "%1d", [225] = "%.3f", [226] = "%1d", [227] = "%.3f", [228] = "%1d", [229] = "%.3f", [230] = "%1d", [231] = "%.3f", [232] = "%1d", [233] = "%.3f", [234] = "%1d", [235] = "%.3f", [236] = "%1d", [237] = "%1d", [238] = "%.3f", [239] = "%0.1f", [240] = "%.1f", [241] = "%1d", [242] = "%1d", [243] = "%1d", [244] = "%1d", [245] = "%1d", [246] = "%1d", [247] = "%1d", [248] = "%0.1f", [249] = "%.3f", [250] = "%0.1f", [251] = "%0.1f", [252] = "%0.1f", [258] = "%0.2f", [259] = "%.1f", [261] = "%.3f", [262] = "%0.1f", [266] = "%1d", [267] = "%.1f", [268] = "%.3f", [270] = "%1d", [271] = "%.3f", [272] = "%1d", [273] = "%1d", [275] = "%.1f", [276] = "%1d", [277] = "%.3f", [278] = "%1d", [279] = "%1d", [280] = "%1d", [282] = "%1d", [283] = "%1d", [284] = "%.3f", [287] = "%1d", [288] = "%.3f", [290] = "%.3f", [291] = "%1d", [292] = "%.3f", [293] = "%.3f", [294] = "%1d", [295] = "%1d", [296] = "%.3f", [297] = "%.3f", [300] = "%.1f", [301] = "%.1f", [302] = "%.1f", [303] = "%.1f", [304] = "%.1f", [305] = "%.1f", [306] = "%.1f", [307] = "%.1f", [308] = "%.1f", [309] = "%.1f", [310] = "%.1f", [311] = "%.1f", [312] = "%.1f", [313] = "%.1f", [314] = "%.1f", [315] = "%.1f", [316] = "%.1f", [317] = "%.1f", [318] = "%.1f", [319] = "%.1f", [320] = "%1d", [321] = "%1d", [322] = "%1d", [323] = "%1d", [324] = "%1d", [325] = "%0.1f", [326] = "%.1f", [327] = "%.1f", [328] = "%.1f", [329] = "%.1f", [330] = "%.1f", [331] = "%.1f", [332] = "%.1f", [333] = "%.1f", [334] = "%.1f", [335] = "%.1f", [336] = "%.1f", [337] = "%.1f", [338] = "%.1f", [339] = "%.1f", [340] = "%.1f", [341] = "%.1f", [342] = "%.1f", [343] = "%.1f", [344] = "%.1f", [345] = "%.1f", [346] = "%1d", [347] = "%1d", [348] = "%1d", [349] = "%1d", [350] = "%1d", [351] = "%0.1f", [352] = "%.1f", [353] = "%.1f", [354] = "%.1f", [355] = "%.1f", [356] = "%1d", [357] = "%.1f", [358] = "%1d", [359] = "%.3f", [360] = "%0.1f", [361] = "%0.1f", [362] = "%0.1f", [363] = "%0.1f", [364] = "%0.1f", [365] = "%.1f", [366] = "%.1f", [367] = "%.3f", [368] = "%.3f", [369] = "%.1f", [370] = "%.1f", [371] = "%.1f", [375] = "%0.1f", [376] = "%0.1f", [377] = "%0.1f", [378] = "%1d", [379] = "%0.1f", [380] = "%1d", [381] = "%1d", [382] = "%1d", [383] = "%1d", [384] = "%0.1f", [385] = "%.1f", [386] = "%.1f", [387] = "%.1f", [388] = "%.1f", [389] = "%.1f", [390] = "%.1f", [391] = "%.1f", [392] = "%.1f", [393] = "%.1f", [394] = "%.1f", [395] = "%.1f", [396] = "%.1f", [397] = "%.1f", [398] = "%.1f", [399] = "%.1f", [400] = "%.1f", [401] = "%.1f", [402] = "%.1f", [403] = "%.1f", [405] = "%1d", [406] = "%1d", [407] = "%1d", [408] = "%1d", [409] = "%1d", [410] = "%.1f", [411] = "%.1f", [412] = "%.1f", [413] = "%.1f", [414] = "%.1f", [415] = "%.1f", [416] = "%.1f", [417] = "%.1f", [418] = "%.1f", [419] = "%.1f", [420] = "%.1f", [421] = "%.1f", [422] = "%.1f", [423] = "%.1f", [424] = "%1d", [425] = "%.1f", [426] = "%.1f", [427] = "%.1f", [428] = "%.1f", [429] = "%.1f", [430] = "%.1f", [431] = "%.1f", [432] = "%.1f", [433] = "%.1f", [434] = "%.1f", [435] = "%.1f", [436] = "%.1f", [437] = "%.1f", [438] = "%.1f", [439] = "%.1f", [440] = "%.1f", [441] = "%.1f", [442] = "%.1f", [443] = "%.1f", [444] = "%.1f", [445] = "%.1f", [446] = "%.1f", [447] = "%.1f", [448] = "%.1f", [449] = "%.1f", [450] = "%.1f", [451] = "%.1f", [452] = "%.1f", [453] = "%.1f", [454] = "%.1f", [455] = "%.1f", [456] = "%.1f", [457] = "%.1f", [458] = "%.1f", [459] = "%.1f", [460] = "%.1f", [461] = "%.1f", [462] = "%.1f", [463] = "%1d", [466] = "%.1f", [467] = "%.1f", [468] = "%.1f", [469] = "%1d", [470] = "%.1f", [471] = "%.1f", [472] = "%1d", [473] = "%0.1f", [474] = "%1d", [475] = "%0.1f", [476] = "%1d", [477] = "%1d", [531] = "%.1f", [532] = "%.1f", [533] = "%.1f", [601] = "%1d", [602] = "%1d", [603] = "%1d", [605] = "%.1f", [607] = "%.1f", [609] = "%.1f", [611] = "%.1f", [613] = "%.1f", [615] = "%.1f", [617] = "%.1f", [621] = "%1d", [622] = "%0.1f", [623] = "%1d", [624] = "%.3f", [626] = "%.3f", [628] = "%.1f", [630] = "%.1f", [632] = "%.1f", [634] = "%.1f", [636] = "%0.2f", [638] = "%0.2f", [640] = "%0.2f", [642] = "%0.2f", [644] = "%1d", [645] = "%0.1f", [646] = "%.1f", [651] = "%.1f", [655] = "%0.1f", [704] = "%.3f", [705] = "%.3f", [711] = "%.1f", [712] = "%0.2f", [716] = "%1d", -- Gear Handle Position [718] = "%1d", [722] = "%.1f", [733] = "%1d}", [734] = "%1d", [735] = "%.1f", [772] = "%1d", [778] = "%1d", [779] = "%1d", [780] = "%1d", [781] = "%0.1f", [782] = "%0.1f", [783] = "%0.1f", [784] = "%1d", } gKa50HighImportanceArguments = { [44]="%0.1f", [46]="%0.1f", [47]="%0.1f", [48]="%0.1f", [78]="%0.1f", [79]="%0.1f", [80]="%0.1f", [81]="%0.1f", [82]="%0.1f", [83]="%0.1f", [84]="%0.1f", [85]="%0.1f", [86]="%0.1f", [24]="%.4f", [100]="%.4f", [101]="%.4f", [102]="%0.1f", [109]="%0.1f", [107]="%.4f", [106]="%.4f", [111]="%.4f", [103]="%.4f", [526]="%.4f", [108]="%.4f", [87]="%.4f", [88]="%0.2f", [89]="%.4f", [112]="%.4f", [118]="%.4f", [124]="%.4f", [115]="%.4f", [119]="%0.1f", [114]="%0.1f", [125]="%0.1f", [117]="%0.4f", [527]="%0.4f", [528]="%0.4f", [127]="%.4f", [128]="%.4f", [116]="%0.1f", [121]="%0.1f", [53]="%.4f", [52]="%.4f", [94]="%.4f", [93]="%.4f", [95]="%0.1f", [92]="%0.1f", [51]="%.4f", [97]="%0.2f", [98]="%0.2f", [99]="%0.2f", [68]="%.4f", [69]="%.4f", [70]="%.4f", [75]="%0.1f", [72]="%.4f", [531]="%.4f", [73]="%.4f", [532]="%.4f", [142]="%.4f", [143]="%.4f", [144]="%.4f", [145]="%0.1f", [133]="%.4f", [134]="%.4f", [135]="%.4f", [136]="%.4f", [138]="%.4f", [137]="%.4f", [139]="%0.1f", [140]="%0.1f", [392]="%0.1f", [393]="%0.1f", [394]="%0.1f", [395]="%0.1f", [388]="%0.1f", [389]="%0.1f", [390]="%0.1f", [391]="%0.1f", [63]="%0.1f", [64]="%0.1f", [61]="%0.1f", [62]="%0.1f", [59]="%0.1f", [60]="%0.1f", [170]="%0.1f", [175]="%0.1f", [172]="%0.1f", [165]="%0.1f", [171]="%0.1f", [176]="%0.1f", [166]="%0.1f", [164]="%0.1f", [178]="%0.1f", [173]="%0.1f", [177]="%0.1f", [211]="%0.1f", [187]="%0.1f", [204]="%0.1f", [213]="%0.1f", [11]="%.4f", [12]="%.4f", [14]="%.4f", [167]="%0.1f", [180]="%0.1f", [179]="%0.1f", [188]="%0.1f", [189]="%0.1f", [206]="%0.1f", [212]="%0.1f", [205]="%0.1f", [181]="%0.1f", [190]="%0.1f", [207]="%0.1f", [183]="%0.1f", [182]="%0.1f", [191]="%0.1f", [208]="%0.1f", [184]="%0.1f", [200]="%0.1f", [209]="%0.1f", [185]="%0.1f", [202]="%0.1f", [201]="%0.1f", [210]="%0.1f", [186]="%0.1f", [203]="%0.1f", [159]="%0.1f", [150]="%0.1f", [161]="%0.1f", [15]="%0.1f", [16]="%0.1f", [17]="%0.1f", [18]="%0.1f", [19]="%0.1f", [20]="%0.1f", [21]="%0.1f", [22]="%0.1f", [23]="%0.1f", [50]="%0.1f", [25]="%0.1f", [28]="%0.1f", [26]="%0.1f", [27]="%0.1f", [31]="%0.1f", [32]="%0.1f", [33]="%0.1f", [34]="%0.1f", [582]="%0.1f", [541]="%0.1f", [542]="%0.1f", [315]="%0.1f", [519]="%0.1f", [316]="%0.1f", [520]="%0.1f", [317]="%0.1f", [521]="%0.1f", [318]="%0.1f", [313]="%0.1f", [314]="%0.1f", [522]="%0.1f", [319]="%0.1f", [320]="%0.1f", [321]="%0.1f", [322]="%0.1f", [323]="%0.1f", [330]="%0.1f", [332]="%0.1f", [331]="%0.1f", [333]="%0.1f", [334]="%0.1f", [375]="%0.1f", [419]="%0.1f", [577]="%.3f", [574]="%.2f", [575]="%.2f", [576]="%.2f", [437]="%0.1f", [438]="%0.1f", [439]="%0.1f", [440]="%0.1f", [441]="%0.1f", [163]="%0.1f", [162]="%0.1f", [168]="%0.1f", [169]="%0.1f", [174]="%0.1f", [6]="%.4f", [586]="%0.1f", [261]="%0.1f", [461]="%0.1f", [237]="%0.1f", [239]="%0.1f", [568]="%0.1f", [241]="%0.1f", [243]="%0.1f", [244]="%0.1f", [245]="%0.1f", [592]="%.4f", [234]="%0.2f", [235]="%0.2f", [252]="%.4f", [253]="%.4f", [254]="%.4f", [255]="%.4f", [256]="%.4f", [257]="%.4f", [469]="%0.1f", [470]="%0.1f", [471]="%.4f", [472]="%.4f", [473]="%.4f", [474]="%.4f", [475]="%.4f", [476]="%.4f", [342]="%0.1f", [339]="%0.4f", [594]="%0.4f", [337]="%0.4f", [596]="%0.4f" } gKa50LowImportanceArguments = { [110]="%.1f", [113]="%.1f", [54]="%1d", [56]="%1d", [57]="%1d", [55]="%.1f", [96]="%.1f", [572]="%.1f", [45]="%.1f", [230]="%1d", [131]="%.1f", [132]="%.1f", [616]="%.1f", [512]="%.1f", [513]="%.1f", [514]="%.1f", [515]="%.1f", [516]="%.1f", [523]="%.1f", [517]="%.3f", [130]="%0.1f", [8]="%.3f", [9]="%1d", [7]="%.1f", [510]="%0.1f", [387]="%1d", [402]="%.1f", [396]="%1d", [403]="%1d", [399]="%1d", [400]="%0.1f", [398]="%1d", [397]="%.1f", [404]="%1d", [406]="%.3f", [407]="%.3f", [405]="%.3f", [408]="%0.1f", [409]="%1d", [382]="%0.1f", [383]="%1d", [381]="%0.2f", [384]="%.1f", [385]="%.1f", [386]="%0.1f", [442]="%.1f", [65]="%1d", [66]="%1d", [67]="%1d", [146]="%0.1f", [147]="%0.1f", [539]="%1d", [151]="%1d", [153]="%1d", [154]="%0.1f", [156]="%.1f", [35]="%.1f", [583]="%1d", [584]="%.1f", [36]="%0.1f", [37]="%0.1f", [38]="%.1f", [39]="%.1f", [41]="%.1f", [43]="%.1f", [42]="%.1f", [40]="%.1f", [496]="%1d", [497]="%1d", [498]="%1d", [499]="%1d", [312]="%0.1f", [303]="%0.1f", [304]="%0.1f", [305]="%0.1f", [306]="%0.1f", [307]="%0.1f", [308]="%0.1f", [309]="%0.1f", [310]="%0.1f", [311]="%0.1f", [324]="%0.1f", [325]="%1d", [326]="%1d", [327]="%.3f", [328]="%0.1f", [329]="%0.1f", [335]="%0.1f", [336]="%0.1f", [355]="%.1f", [354]="%1d", [353]="%.3f", [356]="%1d", [357]="%0.1f", [371]="%0.1f", [372]="%.3f", [373]="%.1f", [374]="%1d", [376]="%.1f", [377]="%.1f", [378]="%.1f", [379]="%.1f", [380]="%1d", [418]="%.1f", [417]="%1d", [421]="%1d", [422]="%1d", [420]="%1d", [423]="%1d", [432]="%1d", [431]="%0.1f", [436]="%1d", [433]="%1d", [435]="%1d", [434]="%1d", [412]="%.1f", [413]="%.1f", [414]="%.1f", [415]="%0.1f", [416]="%0.1f", [428]="%0.2f", [554]="%1d", [555]="%1d", [556]="%1d", [301]="%0.1f", [224]="%.1f", [262]="%1d", [263]="%1d", [543]="%1d", [544]="%1d", [264]="%1d", [265]="%1d", [267]="%1d", [268]="%1d", [269]="%1d", [270]="%01.f", [271]="%1d", [272]="%1d", [273]="%1d", [274]="%1d", [275]="%1d", [276]="%1d", [277]="%1d", [278]="%1d", [279]="%1d", [280]="%1d", [281]="%1d", [282]="%1d", [283]="%1d", [284]="%1d", [285]="%1d", [286]="%1d", [287]="%1d", [288]="%1d", [289]="%1d", [547]="%1d", [548]="%1d", [214]="%1d", [215]="%1d", [216]="%1d", [217]="%1d", [462]="%0.1f", [460]="%.1f", [220]="%1d", [221]="%1d", [218]="%1d", [219]="%1d", [222]="%1d", [229]="%0.1f", [228]="%1d", [296]="%1d", [297]="%0.1f", [290]="%1d", [291]="%1d", [292]="%1d", [293]="%1d", [294]="%1d", [569]="%1d", [295]="%0.1f", [570]="%0.1f", [457]="%.1f", [458]="%.1f", [459]="%.1f", [300]="%1d", [299]="%1d", [298]="%1d", [236]="%.1f", [238]="%.1f", [240]="%.1f", [242]="%.1f", [248]="%0.1f", [249]="%0.1f", [250]="%1d", [246]="%1d", [247]="%1d", [258]="%0.1f", [259]="%1d", [483]="%0.1f", [484]="%0.1f", [485]="%1d", [486]="%1d", [489]="%.1f", [490]="%1d", [491]="%1d", [492]="%1d", [487]="%1d", [488]="%1d", [452]="%1d", [453]="%1d", [340]="%.3f", [341]="%1d", [338]="%.3f" } gP51HighImportanceArguments = { } gP51LowImportanceArguments = { } gU1H1HighImportanceArguments = { } gU1H1LowImportanceArguments = { } -- Lookup tables for weapons store type display gKa50StationTypes = { ["9A4172"] = "NC", ["S-8KOM"] = "HP", ["S-13"] = "HP", ["UPK-23-250"] = "NN", ["AO-2.5RT"] = "A6", ["PTAB-2.5KO"] = "A6", ["FAB-250"] = "A6", ["FAB-500"] = "A6" } -- State data gKa50Trigger = 0 gCurrentAircraft = "none" -- not set yet. ------------ -- SCRIPT -- ------------ os.setlocale("ISO-8559-1", "numeric") -- Simulation id gSimID = string.format("%08x*",os.time()) -- State data for export gPacketSize = 0 gSendStrings = {} gLastData = {} -- Frame counter for non important data gTickCount = 0 ---------------------------------------- -- AIRCRAFT-SPECIFIC EXPORT FUNCTIONS -- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -- HIGH IMPORTANCE EXPORTS -- -- done every export event -- ----------------------------- -- Pointed to by ProcessHighImportance, if the player aircraft is an A-10 function ProcessA10HighImportance(mainPanelDevice) -- Send Altimeter Values SendData(2051, string.format("%0.4f;%0.4f;%0.5f", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(52), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(53), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51))) -- Barometric Pressure Setting SendData(2059, string.format("%0.2f;%0.2f;%0.2f;%0.3f", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(56), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(57), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(58), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(59))) -- Calcuate HSI Value SendData(2029, string.format("%0.2f;%0.2f;%0.4f", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(29), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(30), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(31))) -- Calculate Total Fuel SendData(2090, string.format("%0.2f;%0.2f;%0.5f", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(90), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(91), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(92))) end -- Pointed to by ProcessHighImportance, if the player aircraft is something else function ProcessNoHighImportance(mainPanelDevice) end ----------------------------------------------------- -- LOW IMPORTANCE EXPORTS -- -- done every gExportLowTickInterval export events -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Pointed to by ProcessLowImportance, if the player aircraft is an A-10 function ProcessA10LowImportance(mainPanelDevice) -- Get Radio Frequencies local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54) SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get_frequency()/1000000)) -- TACAN Channel SendData(2263, string.format("%0.2f;%0.2f;%0.2f", mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(263), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(264), mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(265))) end -- Pointed to by ProcessLowImportance, if the player aircraft is a Ka-50 function ProcessKa50LowImportance(mainPanelDevice) local lWeaponSystem = GetDevice(12) local lEKRAN = GetDevice(10) local lCannonAmmoCount = " " local lStationNumbers = lWeaponSystem:get_selected_weapon_stations() local lStationCount = " " local lStationType = " " local lTargetingPower = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(433) local lTrigger = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(615) if lTrigger == 0 then gKa50Trigger = 1 end if lTrigger == -1 then gKa50Trigger = 0 end if lTargetingPower == 1 then lCannonAmmoCount = string.format("%02d",string.match(lWeaponSystem:get_selected_gun_ammo_count() / 10,"(%d+)")) if #lStationNumbers ~= 0 and gKa50Trigger == 0 then lStationCount = 0 for i=1,#lStationNumbers do lStationCount = lStationCount + lWeaponSystem:get_weapon_count_on_station(lStationNumbers[i]) end lStationCount = string.format("%02d", lStationCount); lStationType = gKa50StationTypes[lWeaponSystem:get_weapon_type_on_station(lStationNumbers[1])] if lStationType == nil then lStationType = " " end end end local lEkranText = lEKRAN:get_actual_text_frame() local lEkranSendString = string.sub(lEkranText,1,8).."\n"..string.sub(lEkranText,12,19).."\n"..string.sub(lEkranText,23,30).."\n"..string.sub(lEkranText,34,41) SendData("2001",lStationType) SendData("2002",lStationCount) SendData("2003",lCannonAmmoCount) SendData("2004",lEkranSendString) end -- Pointed to by ProcessLowImportance, if the player aircraft is something else function ProcessNoLowImportance(mainPanelDevice) end ----------------------------------------- -- FLAMING CLIFFS AIRCRAFT -- -- FC aircraft don't support GetDevice -- ----------------------------------------- function ProcessFCExports () local myData = LoGetSelfData() if (myData) then local altBar = LoGetAltitudeAboveSeaLevel() local altRad = LoGetAltitudeAboveGroundLevel() local pitch, bank, yaw = LoGetADIPitchBankYaw() local engine = LoGetEngineInfo() local hsi = LoGetControlPanel_HSI() local vvi = LoGetVerticalVelocity() local ias = LoGetIndicatedAirSpeed() local route = LoGetRoute() local aoa = LoGetAngleOfAttack() local glide = LoGetGlideDeviation() local side = LoGetSideDeviation() local distanceToWay = 999 if (myData and route) then -- if neither are nil local myLoc = LoGeoCoordinatesToLoCoordinates(myData.LatLongAlt.Long, myData.LatLongAlt.Lat) distanceToWay = math.sqrt((myLoc.x - route.goto_point.world_point.x)^2 + (myLoc.y - route.goto_point.world_point.y)^2) end SendData("1", string.format("%.2f", pitch * 57.3) ) SendData("2", string.format("%.2f", bank * 57.3) ) SendData("3", string.format("%.2f", yaw * 57.3) ) SendData("4", string.format("%.2f", altBar) ) SendData("5", string.format("%.2f", altRad) ) SendData("6", string.format("%.2f", 360 - (hsi.ADF_raw * 57.3)) ) SendData("7", string.format("%.2f", 360 - (hsi.RMI_raw * 57.3)) ) SendData("8", string.format("%.2f", 360 - (hsi.Heading_raw * 57.3)) ) SendData("9", string.format("%.2f", engine.RPM.left) ) SendData("10", string.format("%.2f", engine.RPM.right) ) SendData("11", string.format("%.2f", engine.Temperature.left) ) SendData("12", string.format("%.2f", engine.Temperature.right) ) SendData("13", string.format("%.2f", vvi) ) SendData("14", string.format("%.2f", ias) ) SendData("15", string.format("%.2f", distanceToWay) ) SendData("16", string.format("%.2f", aoa * 57.3 ) ) SendData("17", string.format("%.2f", glide) ) SendData("18", string.format("%.2f", side) ) FlushData() else --if debug_output_file then -- debug_output_file:write("ProcessFCExports(4.2) called but myData is nil\r\n") --end end end --------------------------------------------- -- DCS Export API Function Implementations -- --------------------------------------------- function LuaExportStart() -- Works once just before mission start. -- (and before player selects their aircraft, if there is a choice!) -- DEBUGGING STUFF: uncomment to enable debug log file -- debug_output_file = io.open("./ExportDebug.log", "wa") -- 2) Setup udp sockets to talk to helios package.path = package.path..";.\\LuaSocket\\?.lua" package.cpath = package.cpath..";.\\LuaSocket\\?.dll" socket = require("socket") c = socket.udp() if c == nil then -- DEBUGGING STUFF: -- if debug_output_file then -- debug_output_file:write("ERROR CREATING HELIOS SOCKET!\r\n") -- end else c:setsockname("*", 0) c:setoption('broadcast', true) c:settimeout(.001) -- set the timeout for reading the socket -- DEBUGGING STUFF: -- if debug_output_file then -- debug_output_file:write("HELIOS SOCKET CREATED!\r\n") -- end end end function LuaExportBeforeNextFrame() ProcessInput() end function LuaExportAfterNextFrame() end function LuaExportStop() -- Works once just after mission stop. -- c:close() -- DEBUGGING STUFF: -- if debug_output_file then -- debug_output_file:write("LuaExportStop called.\r\n") -- -- io.close(debug_output_file) -- end end -- Take any inputs from Helios and pass them to DCS World function ProcessInput() local lInput = c:receive() local lCommand, lCommandArgs, lDevice, lArgument, lLastValue if lInput then lCommand = string.sub(lInput,1,1) if lCommand == "R" then ResetChangeValues() end if (lCommand == "C") then lCommandArgs = StrSplit(string.sub(lInput,2),",") lDevice = GetDevice(lCommandArgs[1]) if type(lDevice) == "table" then lDevice:performClickableAction(lCommandArgs[2],lCommandArgs[3]) end end end end function LuaExportActivityNextEvent(t) -- EKPI -- NE PAS MODIFIER EN DESSOUS -- rendre_hommage_au_grand_Katze() -- ligne ajoutée par EKPI -- ne pas modifier -- EKPI -- NE PAS MODIFIER AU DESSUS -- t = t + gExportInterval gTickCount = gTickCount + 1 local lDevice = GetDevice(0) if type(lDevice) == "table" then SelectAircraft() -- point globals to A10 or Ka-50 functions and data. lDevice:update_arguments() -- Handle the simple-case data that can be simply read via device:get_argument_value ProcessArguments(lDevice, gHighImportanceArguments) -- A10 or Ka50 arguments as appropriate -- Handle the more complex calculations that need special logic... ProcessHighImportance(lDevice) -- A10 or Ka-50, as appropriate; determined in SelectAircraft() if gTickCount >= gExportLowTickInterval then -- Handle the simple-case data that can be simply read via device:get_argument_value ProcessArguments(lDevice, gLowImportanceArguments) -- A10 or Ka50 arguments as appropriate -- Handle the more complex calculations that need special logic... ProcessLowImportance(lDevice) -- A10 or Ka-50 as appropriate; determined in SelectAircraft() gTickCount = 0 -- start Low Importance tick counting again end FlushData() else -- Assume FC aircraft ProcessFCExports () end return t end ---------------------- -- Helper Functions -- ---------------------- function StrSplit(str, delim, maxNb) -- Eliminate bad cases... if string.find(str, delim) == nil then return { str } end if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then maxNb = 0 -- No limit end local result = {} local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()" local nb = 0 local lastPos for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do nb = nb + 1 result[nb] = part lastPos = pos if nb == maxNb then break end end -- Handle the last field if nb ~= maxNb then result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos) end return result end -------------------------------- -- Status Gathering Functions -- -------------------------------- -- Handles simple-case data that can be simply read via device:get_argument_value function ProcessArguments(device, arguments) local lArgument , lFormat , lArgumentValue for lArgument, lFormat in pairs(arguments) do lArgumentValue = string.format(lFormat,device:get_argument_value(lArgument)) SendData(lArgument, lArgumentValue) end end ----------------------- -- Network Functions -- ----------------------- function SendData(id, value) if string.len(value) > 3 and value == string.sub("-0.00000000",1, string.len(value)) then value = value:sub(2) end if gLastData[id] == nil or gLastData[id] ~= value then local data = id .. "=" .. value local dataLen = string.len(data) if dataLen + gPacketSize > 576 then FlushData() end table.insert(gSendStrings, data) gLastData[id] = value gPacketSize = gPacketSize + dataLen + 1 end end function FlushData() if #gSendStrings > 0 then local packet = gSimID .. table.concat(gSendStrings, ":") .. "\n" socket.try(c:sendto(packet, gHost, gPort)) gSendStrings = {} gPacketSize = 0 end end function ResetChangeValues() gLastData = {} gTickCount = 10 end ------------------------------- -- HANDLE DIFFERENT AIRCRAFT -- ------------------------------- function SelectAircraft() -- Select aircraft... local myInfo = LoGetSelfData() if myInfo.Name ~= gCurrentAircraft then gCurrentAircraft = myInfo.Name -- DEBUGGING STUFF: if debug_output_file then debug_output_file:write(string.format("Selecting %s\r\n", gCurrentAircraft ) ) end if gCurrentAircraft == "A-10C" then gHighImportanceArguments = gA10HighImportanceArguments gLowImportanceArguments = gA10LowImportanceArguments ProcessHighImportance = ProcessA10HighImportance ProcessLowImportance = ProcessA10LowImportance elseif gCurrentAircraft == "Ka-50" then -- dofile(lfs.writedir()..'Scripts\\KTZ_SIOC_KA50_v005.lua'); gHighImportanceArguments = gKa50HighImportanceArguments gLowImportanceArguments = gKa50LowImportanceArguments ProcessHighImportance = ProcessNoHighImportance ProcessLowImportance = ProcessKa50LowImportance elseif gCurrentAircraft == "Mi-8MT" then -- dofile(lfs.writedir()..'Scripts\\KTZ_SIOC_Mi8_v5007.lua'); elseif gCurrentAircraft == "P-51D" then gHighImportanceArguments = {} gLowImportanceArguments = {} ProcessHighImportance = ProcessNoHighImportance ProcessLowImportance = ProcessNoLowImportance else -- Unknown aircraft; assume Flaming Cliffs -- DEBUGGING STUFF: if debug_output_file then debug_output_file:write("Unrecognised aircraft - assuming Flaming Cliffs.\r\n") end gHighImportanceArguments = {} gLowImportanceArguments = {} ProcessHighImportance = ProcessNoHighImportance ProcessLowImportance = ProcessNoLowImportance end end end -- dofile ( lfs.writedir()..'Scripts\\Tacnoworld_UR_DCSW.lua' ) -- dofile(lfs.writedir()..'Scripts\\CACH3_ExportDCS.lua'); local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewExportDCS.lua') dofile ( lfs.writedir()..'/Scripts/katze.lua' )